Do Whitening Strips Work?

Everyone out there of you has seen those solid and perfectly cleaned teeth advertisements & all those smiles giving away the convenience & effectiveness at home whitening strips. You have considered giving them a try yourself but first, all you are interested in knowing is that does it even works? So here is all that you need to know about the whitening strips.

Now we firstly give this a start with an understanding that there can be many reasons why our teeth are actually discolored? There can be many reasons for the same, some of them can be age, trauma, medications, tobacco, or maybe the kind of foods we eat or actually drink – they can all contribute together completely towards tooth discoloration. In some of the situations, these discolorations can actually be treated by some phenomenon or whitening agents that help you in gaining back your brighter and vibrant smile.

Do Whitening Strips Work

What Are The Benefits Of Using Whitening Strips?

The whitening strips that are used are easy to use & are simply applied over the top of the teeth with no preparation.  Whitening strips must be considered over whitening kit as they tend to get a little messy and also need for you to prepare the gel before actual application.

Whitening strips are usually preferred because of how convenient they are in using and also are portable and can be easily carried from one place to another. Additionally, you only need to wear them for like five to thirty minutes rather than for a couple of hours which is actually the set standard for most of the whitening kits.

Are they safe?

One word to the point answer of this question has to be yes. Most of the whitening products use bleaching agents that contain peroxide & however does carry some risks for side effects, which is however usually shunned to a minimum and is easily curable.

Do Whitening strips work with dental work?

If you are interested in whitening the surrounding teeth then it works perfectly however, you might find it difficult to alter or redo any dental work on the teeth. Sometimes, as a normal process of aging, our teeth change color over time however only if the gums and teeth condition is intact will the strips or any dental care work. However, it is possible to work them with ongoing dental work, just maybe not on the teeth that are being worked on.

How Does The Whitening Strips Work?

Whitening strips have similar functionality as that of the bleaches when working on your hair or clothes. The peroxide in the strips actually penetrates the surface & also bleaches the colors from your teeth and allows your natural and much whiter colors to shine through.

The whitening strips have also proven to be very easy in use as most of the whitening strips are coated with more or less a gel that has peroxide coating that comes in the contact with the enamel. You just simply apply the whitening strip & remove them according to the packaged directions. However, no matter what the whitening strips continue to gain popularity as they are easy to use and also easy to handle & dispose of.

How Long Does It take for the whitening strips to work?

Although every person is unique and finds or gets different results, the whitening strips get immediately to work as you start using them – bleaching the color from your enamel. ON an average, you can see a much noticeable difference in 5 to 6 days.

How Long Does the Whitening Last?

The statement given by the manufacturers is somewhat along the lines of that it depends on your habits that how long the whitening will last. Tea, coffee, wine & tobacco can cause teeth discoloration for you. The consumers have also reported that the effect of whitening strips usually last for what you can say as twelve months – it can vary according to your diet, hygiene, and oral habits.

So, this was all that you need to know about the whitening strips. The whitening strips are gaining popularity as a preferred method as they are easy to use and less hectic. Also, they easily get molded in the busy daily lifestyles of people nowadays. Hope this proves to be helpful!