

Our mission here at Idealistics is the same as yours, to serve the community by helping those in need. We figured the best way we could help those in need is to innovate and develop the most technologically advanced social service tools possible to help you do your job better.

SocialWorks 2.0

SocialWorks the first ever case management and referral matching integrated software system. You can be sure that SocialWorks is developed for you since we actually started developing it while running a non-profit organization called Pomona Valley Low-Income Services (PVLIS). The foundation of what was to become SocialWorks was so effective, that we knew we had to make it available to other social service agencies and thus we founded Idealistics.

ReferralPro 1.0

We’re currently putting the finishing touches on our newest product, ReferralPro. ReferralPro provides the referral matching aspect of SocialWorks without the case management and data management features. ReferralPro is a great option for organizations that provide referrals but do not do intense case management, such as churches, or for agencies that already have a case management system but would like to harness the full power of our referral exprtise.